I have lived on the border to Michigan almost my entire life and it wasn’t until the past 3 years that I actually took advantage of the Steelheading opportunities available on the West Side. It all came about as an alternative to another trip I had considered to Elk Creek PA. We had just returned from the Penn State Steelhead Factory and an acquaintance from work asked if I’d be interested in returning for another round of that madness. In talking to those in the know and doing a little web detective work it was questionable as to whether or not the 7 hr trip would be worth the efforts being later in the season for that side of Erie. I started to weigh my options and a little research had me in contact with Hesperia Sport Shop in Hesperia, MI. I had called them for an update on a little river I was intrigued about for some time. That river being the White. From what I had gathered the White was a very easily waded river and had a decent wild reproducing population of Steel. This was right down my alley.
I was pretty much going in blind. My only plan of attack was to check in to the hotel upon arrival, get a non-resident license, and directions to the rivers access points all in one stop. Upon arrival to the first access point I fell in love with the river immediately. The White is a very intimate river. She runs strong, cold, and clean with a tremendous amount of gravel and deep dark runs. There is an abundance of shore foliage so one can find themselves in pretty tight quarters at times. I learned that really quickly having brought the 15’r. The first run we started at produced a large fish within 5 or so drifts. This fish dropped down in a fast water section never to be seen again. 0 for 1…but it was a very encouraging start. We ventured up river around the corner to a large deep and dark bend full of lumber. It was hard to tell just how deep this pool was but judging by the blackness I knew it would hold fish.
On a side note: The White River is a special place. Norland and Harv can attest to that. It is a river that leaves one longing to return. If it's not on your list...It damn well should be. Just leave the big sticks at home.
I would rather fish the White than any of that other shit over there...just not with you...you are bad luck.
I really envy you for that fish...
That is three dble stripers for you that would've ended up reproduced by Advanced Taxidermy and hanging right over my computer desk... I hate you...
I do remember turning down the invite to that trip.
Here is hoping for a mild spring.
That is a beautiful fish...but I don't think the bottom pic is the same fish you fucking retard...
Yep same fish...Just in the shadows of my awesome prescence.
There will be lots of Double Striper opportunity for you this Spring you POS! We'll get you at least one! ;0)
I can tell you are enjoying your return to work Mr Happy...
Spectacular looking fish - and great story.
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