Sunday, October 29, 2006

High Water Heaven

November rains have come early this year and with a vengeance. My heart goes out to the farming community but being an avid steelheader my heart also tells me to savor these times. It is not too often that these conditions can be enjoyed in October. I have been fortunate enough to have fished my home trib on the drop under optimum conditions my last two outings. There cannot be enough said about fishing under ideal conditions with little human presence, the beautiful fall foliage, a crisp autumn bite in the air, the company of a great friend and a river full of lightening hot chrome.

Monday, October 23, 2006

November Rains

Well here it is. My offering to the E-generation of Great Lakes Steelheaders that I have so unknowingly been drawn into. Being of the wise old age of 36 I have watched the E-Steelheading community from afar for the past 5 years. I have witnessed a shift of sorts from those longing to prove their self worth via numbers posting and location name dropping to a more reluctant once bitten motley crew who are more concerned with background blocking and post banning. Myself I prefer to do what I do best...bite my tongue, lurk from afar, and fish my little piece of heaven on the drop. Don't get me wrong. The internet has been a wealth of knowledge to me and has given or lead me to the tools I now use to refine my craft.
A twist of fate has led me to this "Blog" community. A need to compete with my nemesis and fishing partner. Well I wasn't gonna let him get one up on me! LOL!

What I hope to offer here is a venue to share my adventures across the Great Lakes in search of disappearing Drennans and flashes of silver. My passion is steelheading. It has been with me since the days of running the Inverhuron creeks after school and proudly landing my first steelhead on the banks of the Little Sauble. It's a passion that once in your soul keeps you longing for fall and November Rains.