Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fond Farewells...

I get asked the question all the time. "You fish and you don't keep em?" and
"What'd you mean you let em go?" or my favorite "You fish and you don't eat fish?"
The answer to these queries really doesn't justify the true explanation as to why we in fact release these magnificent creatures. To capture the true essence of the feelings in words would do no justice to the true emotion behind the release. The best way for me to quantify it would be with this sweet little video I entitled "Farewell"
Although it stars Norland who's graphic image is somewhat hard to take his display of "human" emotion pretty much sums it up.

Farewell from Brian M on Vimeo.


Trotsky said...

That fish was a pos...and so are you.
See you at dawn...fingers crossed.
Currently drunk on Scotch

Steelhead said...

I like the the link to Norlands picture. LMAO!

lambton said... need to go back into the archieves and seek out the links via "Norland's" name.
There are some classics.

BTW...he is a nutt licker! A Scotch drinking Nutt Licker!
