I got this cool email today from a guide friend of ours in MI informing me that he had been out West fishing the Olympic Penninsula. Between landing some of the largest steelhead I've seen in a long time they found themselves in a local retail establishment. Jeff's buddy picked up a well known west coast fishing publication and began leafing through it. He stopped and must of took a double take because what he saw before him was an article written on his friend and guest. He got Jeff's attention and if I know Jeff a very large shit-eatin grin ensued. Jeff had totally forgotten about our conversation back in April of 2010 when I informed him I had submitted and received confirmation that Salmon Trout and Steelheader were going to run an article I had written about a Winter Jet Boat trip we took with him on the Muskegon in February of 2010. Jeff's email actually caught me off guard as I had not heard from STS since then and saw the cover of the January edition which didn't indicate the acticle was contained within the publication. I had actually written the submission off. The email made my day. Hell...at a time when inspiration was at an all time low it just may have been the kick in the ass I needed. Now where is some open water?
I emailed the editor and am awaiting my copies. If anyone finds the magazine in a local store shoot me an email because I don't think I can wait for the mail. ;0)
Norland has a cool pic of him holding a giant Muskegon Hen that he boated. It was the fish of the trip. This submission is kind of validation for me as it is my second publication of the written word. I guess the first wasn't a fluke. ;0)
STS circulation = approx. 30,000
Click here for a link to their Magazine web site.
great to see your gettin published. Try the magazine store accross from the Sarina post office. I have actually bought that magazine there before
Congrats Brian. I am sure they receive many submissions so you obviously are talented and doing something right. I will be hitting the local Chapters.
LOL! Thanks for the compliment Gil. I just hope people enjoy it. I know I sure enjoyed that day on the river with those two rubes Stuhan and Norland. Good times worthy of being remembered.
Let me know if you find it in London. It's very hard to find around Sarnia.
Thanks for letting me back on the viewing side of the Blog, and congrats on getting the article published.
Congrats Brian!
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